Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong


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    Y-Care CSR Newsletter - 6 th Issue

    Over the years, the Association has committed to partnering with numerous enterprises across a wide range of channels. It is the Association’s hope that these partnerships will encourage our corporate partners to contribute their resources, show their love and care for the underprivileged, and work with us to promote social inclusion throughout Hong Kong society. To help us serve the community better, the Y-Care CSR newsletter is published specifically to foster closer ties in terms of these cross-sectoral collaborations.


    Corporate Collaboration Highlights

    Sunlight Little photo

    Sunlight Little Ironman Triathlon 2015

    October – July 2015
    Thanks to the generous support of Sunlight REIT, provided for a second consecutive year, the Sunlight Little Ironman Triathlon was organised once more in 2015. The event aimed to instil the discipline possessed by professional athletes in children and adults from low-income families. By giving them structure, discipline and a sound work ethic in swimming, running and cycling, and by encouraging both children and their parents to participate, we aimed to improve their personal self-determination and strengthen their family relationships. Upon completion of the training and the triathlon, participants received a HK$200 sports certificate as an token of encouragement. The Sunlight Little Ironman Triathlon was held on 25 October at Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village, attracting over 120 participants who had completed the training and allowing them to showcase the abilities they had gained after months of hard work. The Association invited Event Ambassador Lee Chi-wo, a former triathlete who represented Hong Kong, to take part in a promotional video and also attend the event and promote wellness activities alongside the YMCA.


    Integrating love into society photo

    Hang Seng Bank: Integrating love into society

    September 2015
    Hang Seng Bank, one of the Association’s longest-standing Y-Care Corporate Partners, has joined hands with the YMCA and embarked on several corporate volunteering initiatives to promote social harmony. The Hang Seng Bank Corporate Volunteer Team co-organises a range of social inclusion volunteer activities – for example, on 5 September, Hang Seng volunteers visited Care and Attention Homes for the Aged Blind alongside children from ethnic minorities, playing games and making crafts together. Another activity on 12 September saw Hang Seng volunteers go bowling with a group of seniors and ethnic minority children. Regardless of their age or background, everyone teamed up and had a lot of fun together. To help fill the community with positive energy, elderly people from the Association’s service centres enjoyed a musical about Hong Kong’s history with the assistance of several Hang Seng volunteers. Another activity saw children from our Tin Shui Wai Tin Ching Centre explore a number of fascinating Hong Kong declared monuments in Central and Sheung Wan on Hong Kong Island, again guided by Hang Seng volunteers. Each of these activities benefitted people of different ages, ethnicities and positions in society.



    Love Your Neighbour Day photo

    Timberland “Love Your Neighbour Day”

    20 October 2015
    To help address the increasingly important trend of an aging population, the Association launched the “Love Your Neighbour, Share Joy Across Generations” programme to support elderly people living alone or senior couples in the community. Thanks to the support of Timberland, the “Love Your Neighbour Day” senior service project was a big success, attracting 120 corporate volunteers. On 20 October, a number of volunteers – consisting mainly of women and teenagers – took part in a mass exercise to visit and show their care for these elderly people.