Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong


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    Y-Care CSR Newsletter - 5th Issue

    By working with business through various channels over the years, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong (YMCA) has encouraged corporations to devote more resources and care for the disadvantaged in the society so as to promote social inclusion. To build closer ties with the business world, we have specially prepared Y CARE! – CSR and look forward to working hand in hand with various corporations to serve the community.


    Highlights of the Corporate Events

    Launching of Y-Care CSR Scheme cum Lunch Seminar Activity Photo

    Launching of Y-Care CSR Scheme cum Lunch Seminar

    Date: 18 Mar 2015
    To forge closer ties with the corporate partners, our Association held “Launching of Y-Care CSR Scheme cum Lunch Seminar” at our Cityview on 18 March 2015(Wednesday). Over 20 corporate representatives were presented. At the event, Y-Care CSR Scheme was introduced. Service scopes are children and youth, the elderly, the disabled/ethnic minorities and environmental protection. The programme aims to let corporations have a better understanding of different service needs, so as to encourage more and more community partners to shoulder social responsibilities. Also, our Association was one of the exhibitors in Caring Company Partnership Expo 2015. The expo was organised by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre on 25 March. Many corporate partners supported us and visited our social service exhibition booth on that day.

    Event Highlights


    Microsoft Volunteer Service Day Activity Photo

    Microsoft Volunteer Service Day

    Date: 24 Apr 2015
    Earlier, our Association and Microsoft co-organised a Volunteer Service Day. On that day, we arranged 127 corporate volunteers to visit three primary and secondary schools for talks and sharing sessions. They included the introduction to the information technology industry, job experience sharing, career planning, interview preparations and many more. It is hoped to nurture the students to become the next generation of IT specialists. On the same day, some Microsoft volunteers also visited our Chinese YMCA’s Tin Shui Wai Kindergarten for a story and play time.



    Tao Heung Food Culture Tour Activity Photo

    Tao Heung Food Culture Tour

    Date: 19 May 2015
    Our Tin Ping Care and Attention Home for the Elderly and Hang Seng Bank Volunteer Team visited Tao Heung Museum of Food Culture on 19 May. Nearly 50 people gathered and learned more about traditional food culture and then had lunch at Tao Heung Training Restaurant. The activities provided opportunities for the elders to head outside and expand their horizons, at the same time encouraged community partners to join the volunteer services for social integration, so as to encourage the elderly to step into the community.