Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong


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Y-Care CSR Scheme


Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong (YMCA) is part of the global Young Men's Christian Association movement, committed to building close-knit partnerships with stakeholders from influential corporations and organizations across industry sectors to care for the underprivileged. We aim to unite a community of like-minded people to collaboratively create a socially inclusive society in the Christian spirit of "to serve, not to be served".


ESG as Guiding Principle
ESG concept (Environmental, Social, Governance) was an initiative proposed by United Nations Global Compact in 2004 that encouraged corporates to consider "environmental, social and corporate governance" factors in their business activities and in fulfilling corporate social responsibility. Today, investors are more concerned about incorporating ESG Principle into the framework of "socially responsible investment". Y-Care CSR Scheme aims to jointly promote eco-friendly practices with corporates following ESG Principle as a way to give back to the community in multiple aspects and to create social values through diverse corporate volunteer programmes. Ultimately, it will achieve win-win-win impacts for corporates, society and the environment at large.


About "Y-Care CSR Scheme"

  • Tailoring strength-based volunteer programmes for corporates and organizations.
  • Providing volunteer training.
  • Delivering diverse volunteer services and community programmes with ESG elements.


Benefits of Being "Y-Care CSR Scheme" Partners

(1) Enhancing corporate image - foster a positive corporate brand with prominent social contributions through socially responsible programmes.

(2) Networking platform - share latest information about corporate social responsibility through our award presentation ceremony and social networking platforms.

(3) Boosting positive energy among employees - cultivate strengths in the workforce and increase its competitiveness.


Our Services:

  • The provision of experienced social workers who provide training to corporate staff to understand the needs of society;
  • A wide variety of volunteer opportunities for corporate staff, offered through our strong community network;
  • Connecting people from across society and from all walks of life to promote social inclusion;
  • Providing the latest insights into global service needs through the YMCA's global connections.



Elderly Service Elderly Service Parent-Child Activities
Boat Trip Outdoor Activity for Kids SEN Students Support
Elderly Service/STEM Education Environmental Protection Ethnic Minority Services




Nomination Terms & Conditions

  1. All companies/organizations are to be nominated by YMCA. Self-nomination is not accepted.
  2. Only companies, organizations and bodies incorporated in Hong Kong are accepted for nomination, such as statutory bodies, chambers of commerce, professional bodies, international service bodies, charity foundations, hospitals, universities and tertiary education associations.
  3. Companies/organizations whose total sum of annual financial or in-kind donations is below HK$5,000 are not eligible for nomination.
  4. Companies/organizations must be prepared to initiate the partnership and launch the volunteer programmes with YMCA within an appointed period of time.
  5. The name of winning companies on the certificates/trophies are to be the same as the print name on the partnership agreements with YMCA/donation receipts issued by YMCA.
  6. YMCA reserves the right to reject the nominations of companies/organizations, or cancel the awards of "Y-Care CSR Scheme" at any time.
  7. Companies must be a holder of Business Registration Certificate and have operated in Hong Kong over one year on or before the events.
  8. If the Corporate is a group of companies, its holding company and subsidiary must be nominated by YMCA individually.
  9. YMCA may modify and amend these terms and conditions in respect of changes in the Scheme without prior notice.
  10. In the event of any disputes, YMCA reserves the right of final decision.

Getting Started

How to be Our Partner?

Contact us and let us know your needs


Provide advices and ideas for CSR programme


Tailor-Made CSR proposal


Confirmation and implementation




Contact Us
ophone icon +852 2783 3370
fax. icon +852 2783 3328
add icon Corporate Communications & Marketing Section
         5/F., Administration Building 23 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, HK